16 May Insight Rocket Joins DAA New York City Chapter at Google’s NYC Office

Especially in this election year, data journalists are dominating the news with their data-driven stories. Their combination of timeliness and engaging content exemplifies what’s possible within organizations by leveraging Insight Rocket’s software. Join Insight Rocket and speakers from some of New York’s most famous media companies for the Digital Analytics Association’s symposium at Google’s NYC office to explore what everyone can learn from data journalists about storytelling. Learn techniques to develop and deliver stories that captivate and motivate, as well as how to measure their impact on the organization. Register now with the DAA NYC Chapter.

Symposium Date & Time

Monday, May 16, 2016. Symposium will start at 1:30 PM and end at 7:00 PM.

Symposium Location

Google, 76 Ninth Avenue, New York, NY 10011. Symposium will be held in the Autumn Room // Directions

Symposium Topics

» An introduction to data journalism for digital analysts.
» Are the techniques of data journalism also relevant for how people communicate within organizations?
» Can digital analysts publishing to their coworkers become more effective by embracing the techniques of data journalism?
» Can data journalists become more effective by gathering insights about their audience with digital analytics techniques?
» Is digital analytics a good potential career for people who have studied data journalism?
» The role of AI to fully automate the authoring of data stories.
» What technologies are available for facilitating data journalism within organizations?

Glimpse at some of the panelists / speakers

» James Robinson, Director, Analytics Innovation at the NY Times (“Imagining, inventing and building new frameworks and tools that help newsroom and business staff develop better relationships with our readers.”)
» Mark Hansen, Professor and Director of the David and Helen Gurley Brown Institute for Media Innovation, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
» Huffington Post editorial and/or analytics teams


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